
The original QuickFIX implementation in C++. The Java QuickFIX/J is based on this implementation and is compatible with the QuickFIX API.


HermesJMS is a great open source JMS monitoring tool with additional features useful for developing JMS-based applications. It uses QuickFIX/J to provide a nicely formatted representation of FIX messages sent through JMS. It also support playback of FIX messages. 


Log4FIX is an open source FIX logger/ message viewer, written in Java 5, and based on QuickFIX/J. Log4FIX provides a "pretty" view for FIX messages by utilizing the QuickFIX data dictionary.

Log4FIX works in two main modes:


WSO2 ESB is an open source ESB (Enterprise Service Bus) developed using Java. WSO2 ESB supports for Non-blocking http/s, JMS 1.0.x/1.1, FIX, Apache VFS (s/ftp, file, zip/tar/gz, webdav, cifs..), POP3/IMAP/SMTP, AMQP transports as well as SOAP 1.1/1.2, POX/REST, Hessian, Plain Text and Binary messages. For detailed information visit wso2.org/esb. The FIX transport has implemented by using Quickfix/J. WSO2 ESB supports basic FIX to FIX communication, switch between FIX versions, FIX transformation with other protocols (e.g FIX to AMQP) and various other smart routing features. For more information about WSO2 ESB FIX support read http://wso2.org/library/3837. WSO2 ESB is powered by Apache Synapse