[QFJ-831] 35=2 after 35=4 failed because "MsgSeqNum too low" Created: 06/Apr/15  Updated: 13/Apr/15  Resolved: 13/Apr/15

Status: Closed
Project: QuickFIX/J
Component/s: Engine
Affects Version/s: 1.5.3
Fix Version/s: None

Type: Bug Priority: Default
Reporter: Shi Lei Assignee: Unassigned
Resolution: Not a bug Votes: 0
Labels: None



This scenario happened in a poor network environment where some messages are missing but heartbeat still working, no logout before issue happened:

1. My app is client side using quickfixj-all-1.5.3.jar.
2. When network has problem, some messages are missing (both sides)
3. Sometimes server side send 35=4 request to increase seq_no by 1 while there's no missing seq_no from server side. E.g.
34=100, 35=8......
34=101, 35=8......
34=102, 35=4, 36=103, 123=Y...
I don't know why server side send this 35=4 asking to reset seq_no to 103 (seq_no 100 and 101 received successfully and 102 is reset request itself)
4. If next message from server side is 34=103, 35=8, it's OK
if next message from server side is 35=103, 35=2, client side FIX engine will return "MsgSeqNum too low, expecting 103 but received 102"

The question is
1) why 35=2 after 35=4 fail while 35=8 after 35=4 OK
2) the seq_no of failed 35=4 after 35=2, I double checked it's 103, why response is "MsgSeqNum too low, expecting 103 but received 102"

Comment by Christoph John [ 13/Apr/15 ]

Could you please send a message to the user list with the complete messages from the message log (at least the messages 100 - 103 from above)?


Comment by Shi Lei [ 13/Apr/15 ]

Hi Christoph,
Please find original message from our side fix engine log below, and refer to the story how these messages generated – all messages are incoming one except the reject message and logon request after rejection:

1) some incoming 35=8 (ignore older one and keep last two 34=8120 and 34=8121. server side is 49=087003)
2) single 35=4 (34=8122 requests new seq_no set to 8124, server side says it's due to network package loss detected)
3) next message 35=8 34=8124 received no problem
4) 35=4 again, this time there's a 35=2 message after it (35=4, 34=8125 requests new seq_no set to 8126; then 35=2 use new seq_no 34=8126)
5) our side fix engine reject message, reason "MsgSeqNum too low, expecting 8126 but received 8125" – according to this reject reason I'm not sure which message got rejected – if 1st one with 35=4, 34=8125 rejected then "excepting" should be still 8125; if 2nd one with 35=2, 34=8126 rejected then rejected one has 34=8126, not too low
6) disconnected and re-connect

8=FIXT.1.1^A9=116^A35=5^A34=5236^A49=RHBInvest^A52=20150330-02:44:53.299^A56=087003^A58=MsgSeqNum too low, expecting 8126 but received 8125^A10=086^A

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