[QFJ-549] Cannot read Bodylength inside toApp(), toAdmin() Created: 30/Jul/10  Updated: 01/Apr/14  Resolved: 01/Apr/14

Status: Closed
Project: QuickFIX/J
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None

Type: Bug Priority: Default
Reporter: Sanghmitra Assignee: Unassigned
Resolution: Cannot Reproduce Votes: 0
Labels: None

Windows, C#


I am using following code inside toApp() and toAdmin()

But I am getting FieldNotfound exception. I can see the BodyLength tag set in the message, but still it cannot be found at the runtime.

Same code works fine in fromApp() and fromAdmin().

Also following code works fine - msg.getHeader().getField(new BeginString()).getValue();

Its Bodylength tag which gives error.

Can you provide the resolution please.

Comment by Christoph John [ 01/Apr/14 ]

Could not reproduce this issue in unit test.

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