[QFJ-481] Connection terminated when receiving Logon-response after Logon with ResetSeqNumFlag=Y Created: 16/Oct/09  Updated: 15/Nov/12  Resolved: 05/Apr/10

Status: Closed
Project: QuickFIX/J
Component/s: Engine
Affects Version/s: Future Releases
Fix Version/s: None

Type: Bug Priority: Default
Reporter: Erik Nyquist Assignee: Unassigned
Resolution: Not a bug Votes: 0
Labels: None

Ubuntu 9 Server x64


This week I downloaded the QuickFIX/J source code from the trunk and built a version of it to test our new FIX GW.

My test program fails when I try to do send a LOGON with ResetSeqNumFlag=Y. This is written to the log;

<20091016-08:25:18, FIXT.1.1:ABN->XTRM, event> (Initiated logon request)
<20091016-08:25:30, FIXT.1.1:ABN->XTRM, incoming> (8=FIXT.1.19=007235=A34=152=20091016-08:25:2649=XTRM56=ABN1128=798=0108=301137=710=135)
<20091016-08:25:55, FIXT.1.1:ABN->XTRM, event> (Received logon request)
<20091016-08:25:55, FIXT.1.1:ABN->XTRM, event> (Disconnecting: Received logon response before sending request)

The problem has been located to the following lines of code in /quickfixj/core/src/main/java/quickfix/Session.java (rev 926):

if (state.isResetSent() && !state.isResetReceived())

{ disconnect("Received logon response before sending request", true); }

The FIX GW responds to the LOGON with a normal LOGON response. However the QUICKFIX/J engine terminates the connections because it thinks that a SequenceReset should have been received. When I comment out the lines the test program works fine.

Comment by Erik Nyquist [ 16/Oct/09 ]

The environment should be Windows. It is my FIX GW that runs on Linux. I do not know how to change this field.

Comment by Steve Bate [ 05/Apr/10 ]

This message indicates that the initiator is receiving a logon message before it sent one. Are you trying to connect two initiators to each other? Normally, the initiator will send a logon and the acceptor will acknowledge it – in that order.

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