[QFJ-398] Initiator did not sent correct sequence no after Resend Request message was received Created: 02/Feb/09  Updated: 19/Dec/13  Resolved: 19/Dec/13

Status: Closed
Project: QuickFIX/J
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: 1.3.1
Fix Version/s: None

Type: Bug Priority: Default
Reporter: Honi Jain Assignee: Unassigned
Resolution: Cannot Reproduce Votes: 0
Labels: None




. At the start of the session the initiator sends a LOGOUT message with seqno 1.
. Then it send a LOGON message with seqno 1.
. Receives LOGOUT message with text - Message sequence number: 1 is less than expected sequence number: 2
. sends a LOGOUT message with seqno 3
. sends a LOGON message with seqno 4
. Receives a Resend Request with begin seqno as 2 and end seqno as 3.
. But it DID NOT sent a Sequence Reset message with seqno 2.

Please note that the above problem was observed only on a particular day and after restarting the system it was resolved. So basically every other day the initiator was sending a Sequence Reset message with seqno 2. But on a particular day it didn't sent Sequence Reset message with seqno 2.

Because of this it kept receiving Resend Request message with begin seqno as 2 and end seqno as 3. Instead of sending Sequence Reset message with seqno 2, the initiator was sending Resend Request messages. Because of which it received a LOGOUT message with text 'Maximum number of consecutive resend requests exceeded. :'. The cycle continued.

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