[QFJ-249] Message Generation does not generate header repeating groups correctly Created: 24/Sep/07  Updated: 15/Jan/08  Resolved: 22/Dec/07

Status: Closed
Project: QuickFIX/J
Component/s: Message Generation
Affects Version/s: 1.2.1
Fix Version/s: 1.3.1

Type: Bug Priority: Default
Reporter: CaiQi Assignee: Unassigned
Resolution: Fixed Votes: 0
Labels: None

winXP SP2, JDK1.5.0.12, Eclipse 3.3


After Message Generation, we can't find the class "public static class NoHops extends Group"; at QFJ, and so, we can use this header repeating group like other repeating group.
Maybe, we can generate some codes like this, at quickfix.fix44.message.java or quickfix.fix44.message.Header :

public static class NoHops extends Group {
public NoHops() {
new int[]

{628,629,630,0 }

); }
public void set(quickfix.field.HopCompID value)

{ setField(value); }
public quickfix.field.HopCompID get(quickfix.field.HopCompID value) throws FieldNotFound
{ getField(value); return value; }
public quickfix.field.HopCompID getHopCompID() throws FieldNotFound
{ quickfix.field.HopCompID value = new quickfix.field.HopCompID(); getField(value); return value; }
public boolean isSet(quickfix.field.HopCompID field)
{ return isSetField(field); }
public boolean isSetHopCompID()
{ return isSetField(628); }
public void set(quickfix.field.HopSendingTime value)
{ setField(value); }

public quickfix.field.HopSendingTime get(quickfix.field.HopSendingTime value)
throws FieldNotFound

{ getField(value); return value; }
public quickfix.field.HopSendingTime getHopSendingTime() throws FieldNotFound
{ quickfix.field.HopSendingTime value = new quickfix.field.HopSendingTime(); getField(value); return value; }
public boolean isSet(quickfix.field.HopSendingTime field)
{ return isSetField(field); }
public boolean isSetHopSendingTime()
{ return isSetField(629); }
public void set(quickfix.field.HopRefID value)
{ setField(value); }
public quickfix.field.HopRefID get(quickfix.field.HopRefID value)
throws FieldNotFound
{ getField(value); return value; }

public quickfix.field.HopRefID getHopRefID() throws FieldNotFound

{ quickfix.field.HopRefID value = new quickfix.field.HopRefID(); getField(value); return value; }

public boolean isSet(quickfix.field.HopRefID field)

{ return isSetField(field); }

public boolean isSetHopRefID()

{ return isSetField(630); }


Comment by Steve Bate [ 21/Dec/07 ]

I've looked at the quickfix.fix44.Message$Header object and it does contain the NoHops support. It's a nested class in the Message$Header class. If I didn't understand the issue, please reopen it.

Comment by Steve Bate [ 22/Dec/07 ]

I see that although the group counter field is generated, the actual group is not. Therefore, I'm reopening this issue.

Comment by Steve Bate [ 22/Dec/07 ]

Modified XSLT to generate repeating groups correctly for the message headers. Added parser test to MessageTest.

Generated at Sun May 19 05:38:17 UTC 2024 using JIRA 7.5.2#75007-sha1:9f5725bb824792b3230a5d8716f0c13e296a3cae.