[QFJ-160] Break up the code base into logical jars Created: 10/Apr/07  Updated: 04/Jul/07  Resolved: 07/Jun/07

Status: Closed
Project: QuickFIX/J
Component/s: Build
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: 1.2.0

Type: Improvement Priority: Default
Reporter: Naresh Bhatia Assignee: Steve Bate
Resolution: Fixed Votes: 0
Labels: None



QuickFix/J is currently released as a single 4 MB jar. This jar is extremely large for certain applications. For example, a small FIX client only needs to create FIX messages and send them to a FIX engine. It might make sense to break up the code base in to smaller logical jars, for example quickfixj-core.jar (containing Message, Field, Group, DataDictionary etc.) and quickfixj-engine (containing the remaining classes).

Comment by Steve Bate [ 11/Apr/07 ]


We have plans to package the JARs differently but I can't say when that will actually happen. In the meantime, you can easily repackage the JAR yourself and keep only the classes needed by your application. The bulk of the JAR file size are the generated FIX messages for each FIX version. Even within a specific FIX version, a typical application will support only about 10 or so messages (including both application and required session protocol messages).


Comment by Naresh Bhatia [ 11/Apr/07 ]

Ok, no problem. I will repackage as necessary.


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