[FAST-36] BigDecimals are not correctly interpreted in DecimalValue constructor Created: 23/May/11  Updated: 20/Oct/11  Resolved: 20/Oct/11

Status: Resolved
Project: OpenFAST
Component/s: Types
Affects Version/s: 1.0.1
Fix Version/s: 1.0.3

Type: Bug Priority: Major
Reporter: Paul Gribben Assignee: Jacob Northey
Resolution: Fixed Votes: 0
Labels: encoding

JRE 1.6, Windows and Linux

Issue Links:
is duplicated by FAST-37 BigDecimal constructor for DecimalVal... Resolved


BigDecimal scale is mis-interpreted as being identical to exponent, resulting in incorrect number conversion. According to java doc for BigDecimal the value is: unscaledValue × 10^(-scale), whereas for openfast DecimalValue the value is: mantissa x 10^(exponent). Therefore exponent = -bigDecimal.scale (and not bigDecimal.scale).

To test this, encode BigDecimal(2.4) then decode the byte stream and you'll get 240 (24 x 10^1, but should be 24 x 10^(-1)).

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